Play Parks and Green Spaces

  • “We will fight for fairness for the generation that one day will have to run our services. We will invest in skate parks, playgrounds, and play parks and ensure that they are maintained and usable. “
  • “We will strive to meet and even exceed the council’s carbon reduction goal of Net Zero by 2040. In addition, we will work to improve biodiversity through our use of green spaces, and through the council’s policies for planning and development.”

These pledges form part of the Labour Group’s 2023 manifesto for change at East Lindsey District Council. It has become increasingly apparent that green spaces and amenities in the district are under threat in some towns, as housing and other developments encroach on areas that were once available for members of the public to use.

In Louth, controversy has grown over the upkeep and use of the fishing pond and recreation ground at Charles Street, over the Towpath that runs alongside the canal behind Eastfield Road, and over Magna Vitae’s plans to place an enclosed plastic 3G pitch over the open football pitch at Wood Lane. However, these aren’t the only green spaces that have been affected. It is often a challenge for parents to find suitable play parks for children to let off steam, while areas of greenery and woodland are known to be beneficial for people’s physical and mental health.

The Labour Group will look to improve the district council’s work in this area. Some play parks and green areas fall under its direct control, and here we will ensure they are properly maintained. In other cases they are run by partner organisations, and we will examine how we can support those organisations to maintain these amenities. The council sets the Local Plan, and this determines areas of protected green space, and the policies for improving biodiversity.

Play parks and green areas have a profound effect on our quality of life, and it is important that we create a district where amenities such as these are freely available for all residents.

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